Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Creating Your Own Pedicure Spa At Home Is Easy

Taking away the stress of a full work day is important to your good health. One way to do this is by taking the pressure of each day off your feet. Think of how many times you come home from work with tired, hot, and achy feet? Think also about having everything you need for creating your own pedicure spa at home.

Taking care of the feet starts with removing polish from toes and soaking them in a solution aimed at promoting relaxation and comfort. The soak you choose can make all the difference in how well feet feel afterwards. Mix one half cup of Epsom salts and one quarter cup of Borax into warm water. For a nice effect, you might also add aromatic lavender oils as well. Let your feet soak in this solution for at least a full five minutes before taking them out.

Always make sure you have plenty of soft towels on hand when you are soaking in water. This can help to keep the floor dry. Pat them dry before you begin taking away callouses with pumice stones or grit paddles. Make sure you choose an 80 grit paddle for the best results.

Trim toenails even and straight across to prevent problems with ingrown nails. After trimming, filing your toenails is the best way to keep from having snags that catch on your hose or socks. Once you are done with nails, you can continue with pampering feet in a homemade scrub.

Combine three quarters of a cup of sugar with a tablespoon of cream, one of same of butter, a tablespoon of sea salt, and one tablespoon of vanilla. This is a scrub that will work wonders for relieving tired feet and helping them to be beautiful as well.

Putting up feet to rest is an important part of the best pedicure chair you could have. Make sure you take time to care for feet because without them, think where you would be.

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