Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Natural Ways to be Healthy

Make sleep a priority, keep regular times and enjoy a cat nap here or there when opportunity arises. Traditional Chinese Medicine suggests yang (awake) needs to be equal to yin (sleep) for ideal balance. Ways to encourage yin to our lifestyle is by listening to quiet music in the evenings, turning off the TV, dimming the lights, using aromatherapy, herbal tea and having a nice bath or shower before bed time. Make it a ritual.

Be sure to read the remainder of this article. Whether you want to brush up on your general health knowledge or you want to determine if the subject of Herpeset is worth your time, you're sure to find the information here to be beneficial. After reading this post, you just might be shocked by how much you learn. The free tips listed here may be just what you need to revolutionize your health routine.

Yes, dark chocolate is one of the foods that you have to include in your diet. Dark chocolate varieties contain flavanols that make blood vessels more elastic. In one study, 18% of patients who ate it every day saw blood pressure decrease. Have 1/2 ounce daily (make sure it contains at least 70% cocoa).

Your body is a molecular structure of energy and is up to 70% water! Babies have the most water, being born at about 78%. By one year of age it drops to around 65%, adult males about 60%; however, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult females, fat makes up more of the body than males, so they have about 55%. Over-weight males also have less water (percentage) than thinner males. Over-weight people have less water than thinner people (percentage).

Your body needs water. Period. End of statement. A dehydrated body cannot function properly. You need water to hydrate your cells, to flush toxins out of your body, and for energy. As a woman, you should be drinking at least 8-12 cups of water each day. Add an extra cup of water for each cup of caffeine you drink.

You know it. Smoking is indeed bad for you. Smoking causes cancer and it quite unhealthy. It is one of the major causes of lifestyle diseases and of most cancers. Smoking can also make you age faster and it is not also good for your skin. So, find a way to stop, talk to your doctor and get healthy!

The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. Be aware of all the diseases you are prone too because of genetics and find ways on how to avoid getting them.

Take some yoga classes, learn to meditate or incorporate a relaxation technique into your routine. Besides having fun and not taking yourself too seriously, it's a good idea to integrate another relaxation strategy into your routine for those times when life gets somewhat overwhelming. Having many methods to fall back on ensures emotional well-being.

Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices. Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly. If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.

Ever notice what you're feeding your mind when you watch the news? Many start and end their day with these anxiety-producing messages. Little wonder we feel stressed and anxious much of the time. Pick one day a week that you will not look at the news. Do it for 4-weeks and see if you notice a difference.

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