Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sure-Fire Ways to Be Healthy This Year

A Columbia University study found that eating two servings of cereal containing oats daily for 6 weeks lowered total and "bad" LDL cholesterol by 4.5% and 5.3%, respectively. Beta-glucan in oats absorbs LDL cholesterol, which your body then excretes. And also, studies show that those individuals who eat cereals and oats for breakfast have a lower risk for heart ailments.

Browse through the rest of this article. Are you looking to learn more about beauty and health or are you trying to find out if researching something like thyroid supplements is a futile pursuit? Whatever the case may be, the tips below should point you in the right direction. You never know what might happen after reading this article. Healthy body may not be as hard to come by as you thought.

Enough rest is one thing that will help you reduce stress levels and lower your blood pressure as well as your risk of suffering from heart attacks and stroke. Enough sleep also helps you keep away from inflammation, sharpens your memory and lowers your risk of having depression. Enough sleep can also make you feel energized. Do not oversleep though as it will also make your body weaker and sluggish. One of the most important tips on healthy living is to have anything in moderation.

It is a great shame that seeking out mental health professionals in America has become a taboo or secretive endeavor! If you are worried about your mental health, you should be proud of yourself for putting forth an effort to improve yourself. If you are in the general area, I would recommend a recovery-based treatment center such as the Mental Health Center of Denver, or MHCD. The only shame in finding help is not getting help when you can benefit from it!

Other studies have found that moderate drinkingup to one drink a day for a woman, two for a mancan lower risks ofheart disease. "High levels of alcohol are clearly detrimental," says Obarzanek. "But moderate alcohol is protective of the heart. If you are going to drink, drink moderately."

Look for the hidden message in negative or difficult situations. Learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Experiencing adversity is meant to alert you to something or teach you a new skill. As Brett Favre once said, "Life deals you a lot of lessons, some people learn from them, some people don't."

As most of us lead extremely busy lives, it is often sleep that gets sacrificed so we can cram more in to our day. Reduced quantity and quality of sleep can lead to a suppressed immune system and make you more prone to grogginess, illness and increased stress. Most adults need between 6-8 hours of quality sleep per night. You judge which amount leaves you feeling alert and vibrant the next morning. Make sleep a priority by allowing yourself time to unwind at the end of each night in a way that suits you.

According to nutritionists and well-being experts, breakfast is the most crucial and most important meal of the day and skipping your breakfast can actually lead to some problems. Eating breakfast can help your metabolism go faster and also, it can help you lose weight (that is, if you eat healthily).

Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.

If you smoke, GIVE UP!! Yes, I know that is much easier said than done but any reduction in the amount that you smoke will be beneficial. If you find the idea of giving up a step too far why not try cutting down? A great way to cut down is to try and extend the time between your cigarettes. If you can maintain this, you will gradually start to smoke less without feeling the withdrawals as much. If you are pregnant, then smoking is a big 'NO-No'. The toxins in a cigarette can cross from the mothers bloodstream and into the baby. Also your chance of breast cancer is much higher if you are a smoker. Overall reducing alcohol and smoking less are great ways to a healthier happier life.

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