Friday, April 27, 2012

Sure-Fire Ways to Be Healthy This Year

Review of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

Tell yourself every day, several times a day "I maintain my current weight with minimal effort." I look good at (insert number of pounds here) pounds." "I am amazed at how I maintained my current weight during the holiday season." And walk with confidence in knowing that you are fabulous at your current weight (no matter what that is)!

Be sure to read the remainder of this article. If you're trying to determining whether or not you should look further into review of burn the fat feed the muscle or you're simply looking to improve your health regimen, the information presented in this article will be sure to help. You never know what might happen after reading this article. The strategies below may change the health of your body for the rest of your life.

Your body needs water. Period. End of statement. A dehydrated body cannot function properly. You need water to hydrate your cells, to flush toxins out of your body, and for energy. As a woman, you should be drinking at least 8-12 cups of water each day. Add an extra cup of water for each cup of caffeine you drink.

A multivitamin serves as an insurance policy, guaranteeing your body gets everything it needs. However, your body can't absorb all these nutrients at once, and you wind up eliminating a portion of them via your urine or bowel movements. To maximize absorption, split your multivitamin in two and take half in the morning and half in the evening. Better yet, try and purchase a brand that offers a daily dosage in various pills.

Get plenty of exercise. If you were to do just one thing to improve your health, this is probably the single greatest deterrent against illness. Exercise is necessary for optimum blood flow, and treats the entire cardiovascular system. It insures that nutrients are efficiently transported through the blood stream as well as into cells. It stimulates the brain to produce the chemical messengers needed for mood, thinking, and memory. It reduces stress hormones, and promotes healthy body mass distribution. The minimum amount of exercise you should be getting is 30 minutes three days a week. For optimum health, exercise for 60 minutes six days per week.

Too often, we forget to ask for help when overburdened or distressed, or assume "no one cares." Asking for help can be as simple as asking a friend or husband to massage your sore shoulders or to take out the trash. Or, it can be asking for professional advice or help from a higher source too. You'll be surprised how effective and relationship building it can be!

Benjamin Franklin said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." True. Fruits are just one of the easiest foods to eat. They are pretty convenient because you can just grab a piece and eat it as it is. Not only that they are convenient, but they also are healthy substitutes for your food cravings.

Deep-fried foods and anything made with hydrogenated oils such as vegetable oil, margarine, lard, puri, chips, cakes, shortening, pastries, biscuits, cookies, bombay mix, chevda, Indian sweets and savouries, all can contain trans fats that raise your risk of heart disease. Some evidence suggests that the effects of these trans fats may be worse than saturated fats. It's important to try to eat less of both saturated fat and trans fats. Therefore, aim to eat only healthy fats, such as olive oil, rapseed oil and the omega-3 oils found in salmon, mackeral and other cold-water fish, which actually protect against heart disease.

Eat wholefoods. Avoid the food the comes from the packet and try to stick as natural as possible. If it comes from the ground then it is great, if it will eventually rot this is what you want to aim for! Food that doesn't go off usually has a reason too many chemicals, too much sugar or way too much processing!

All the great traditions speak to the spiritual benefits of a life lived simply. Find that place where your feel you have "enough." Then, live a life where "enough is enough." You'll save money. You'll uncover what's really important, and have more time and space to develop your spiritual nature too. Go through your stuff and give away those items that you haven't used for a long time. Many people need help now and you'll benefit from the positive effects of giving..

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