Monday, March 26, 2012

The Best Natural Home Remedies for Acne

No one would like to be spotty. It's just how it is. Terrible skin is humiliating--it doesn't matter how old we are or if that terrible skin has just a zit or two or is covered in extensive acne. Acne is particularly bothersome and quite often for a lot longer than we thought it would be when we first dipped our feet into the waters of puberty as teens. We spend several years slathering ourselves with just about every chemical and acne fighter we can find. What if you could help your skin without being forced to take that sort of extreme action? There are a number of natural acne remedies that are very useful. Here are some.

Aloe Vera is something a lot of people relate with burn relief. It is understandable as the plant is popular for being comforting and helping to draw out the heat trapped in your body after it gets burned. Do you know it is also a good acne cure? There are several polysaccharides contained in Aloe that will help make the skin heal quite a lot faster. It does not really discriminate between the causes of the injury. Whether it is a zit or a burn, aloe vera can give you some help. Break open a leaf and apply the watery gel to your affected spots. You are going to see a great decrease in puffiness and redness quickly.

You've probably heard that you could minimize the swelling of your eyes by putting cucumber slices on them. Cucumber is also a great acne treatment. It helps keep your skin moist and pumps it full of nutrients. If you want to use cucumber to heal your acne, create a mask out of them (you can find a lot of recipes for this on the internet) and apply that mask two times a week. In no time you will notice a visible improvement to your complexion and quality. This same mask also helps beef up your skin's pimple fighting properties.

Strawberries make great weapons against pimples. Salicylic acid is a typical component in many acne fighters, particularly those meant to fight acne that is severe. Strawberries naturally have salicylic acid. They are also full of other minerals and vitamins that are essential in helping your skin fight acne. It's simple to treat acne by either positioning cut up strawberry pieces directly onto a zit or you can come up with a mask by smashing up several strawberries and mixing them with cream. Wear the mask for twenty or so minutes and then rinse it off with clean water. You'll make your skin really grateful.

One fantastic acne remedy is potato juice. Potatoes are made up mainly of water but when that water comes out of the potato it isn't just plain H20. Further, it contains all the minerals and vitamins that are contained inside the potato. The higher levels of sulfur, phosphorous, chlorine, potassium are all extremely useful in minimizing scarring. You can get the juice by pressing bits of chopped potato or you can rub the pieces of the potato right onto your skin.

Acne can usually be treated in a wide variety of great and natural ways. Why would you allow yourself to remain spotty and self-conscious when you have all of these fantastic options for clearing yourself up?

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