Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ways to be Healthy in the Fast-Food Era

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto

Maintain good relationships with friends and family for much needed feedback, a shoulder to lean on or a different perspective. Often we get so caught up in our own problems and misery we can't see the forest for the trees. Having an objective pair of eyes and ears can give you a whole new way of thinking.

Browse through the rest of this article. You'll find them to be helpful whether you're interested in knowing more about general health or more specific topics like burn the fat feed the muscle by tom venuto. You might be surprised. You just might end up saving some money once you implement a few of the free tips mentioned here.

Walking, running, yoga, stretching, weights, anything you can think of to get your body moving. Doing physical activity not only helps your circulation, reduces bad fats and keeps your body detoxed, it also helps with anti aging and healthy skin. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride you bike or walk instead of drive. Any activity you can do to increase your blood flow, you are helping your self to become healthier.

Pilates has so many fantastic benefits I could be here for weeks banging on about why it is the best form of exercise for you. Pilates is great for toning, body conditioning, correcting muscular imbalances, improving flexibility. Think of all the fundamentals you will learn into Pilates and take that into your daily activities and other sports they might do. You get so much more out of exercise that way.

In the midst of your self reflections, it is important to examine just where your locus of control is. Are you blaming everyone else for things? Or are you taking on all the fault? Nothing is one sided, remember that. Especially if your depression is focused around relationship woes. Think of what you really did, what others really did, accept that its in the past and that the best thing to do now is learn from it and live on to never make that mistake again!

According to Ayurveda, the Ancient Indian science of healing, rotating your food habits not just adds force to your untouchable system but it can additionally protect you from many illnesses. Try to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Begin your day by eating an apple because it can cleanse the body's digestive system by removing toxins.

Keep bumping your workouts up. I see this so many times, people who say they do 20 pushups/sit ups every day which is great, but in order for your fitness levels to progress and to see a change you have to keep increasing what you're doing. This can be in the way of maybe doing interval training for cardio sessions, adding repetitions when it comes to Pilates exercises or if using the equipment changing your spring tension. Although a slightly different way of choreographing something can have a big impact on your performance. I like to change my clients workout so that they never plateau in terms of fitness.

Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.

There are plenty of studies comparing the effects of real sugar versus artificial sweeteners. At the end of the day, artificial sweeteners do have less (ok, zero) calories but they're not necessarily better for you. The chemicals and sweetness will fool your body into expecting a sweet treat and can actually lead you to begin craving sugary foods. It's better to use real sugar in moderation than it is to load up on artificial alternatives.

When you drink enough water, your digestive system is able to run much more smoothly and very effectively. Many health problems are actually traced down to your digestive tract, and the easiest, best way to increase your digestive health is to drink plenty of pure water. It will help you clear out your digestive track without irritating it.

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