Sunday, March 25, 2012

Top Ways to Be Fit in 2012

Cellulean Reviews

There is no way to be healthy and smoke. I stopped. Twice. One cigarette kills trillions of cells in your body. Heart attacks are responsible for more early deaths among smokers due to coronary artery disease that cancer. Also, smoking is one of the major risk factors for lifestyle diseases and different kinds of cancer.

Don't stop reading this article. If you're trying to determining whether or not you should look further into cellulean reviews or you're simply looking to improve your health regimen, the information presented in this article will be sure to help. Think about it. The strategies below may change the health of your body for the rest of your life.

Make sure you practice safe s-e-x. STD's can be easily transmitted and even a long term partner could be harbouring some unknown stowaways. s-e-xually transmitted diseases can lie dormant for years. Until you are 100% sure you and you're partner are free from STD's practicing safe s-e-x is the best way to stay healthy.

While there are many excellent acne products on the market, these are topical, more of a cosmetic cover, but don't address the nutritional needs. Excellent nutrition is key to acne control. In this case, beauty works from the inside out! Follow your acne control program on a consistent, daily basis. You'll soon see a significant and beautiful, new you!

Women tend to balance many balls in the air on any given day. And this can lead to a lot of stress one of the biggest causes of many diseases today. One tip to staying stress-free is to plan things in advance. Writing things down will allow you to take only an amount you can handle. Also, don't try to be a superwoman and delegate whenever possible.

Doctors and health organizations have spent a lot of time educating the public about the dangers associated with sodium (salt) consumption. Try to scale back your sodium intake by cutting out salty snacks and foods. Talk to your doctor about adding a potassium supplement to your diet as well. Potassium can help to counteract the sodium in your system, preventing complications like high blood pressure.

Stay Physically Active: the human mind developed in an environment requiring one travels the equivalent of 12 miles per day for sheer survival (and no that doesn't mean jumping in the car and flooring it!). Recent research has proven that increased physical activity can actually create new brain cells (once thought of as a static number), this explains why nearly every mental healthcare consumer at facilities such as MHCD are strongly encouraged to begin an exercise regimen immediately.

A study in Bangladesh stated that guava fruit that had been consumed by many people could actuallyprevent the pathogen in foods, such asListeriaandStaph. That's why the people who suffer from illness caused by bacteria, doctors always recommend to eat a lot of fruit or guava juice.

Replacing saturated fat with omega-3s found in fish like salmon, herring, and sardines helps lower cholesterol. And research from Loma Linda University showed that eating two servings of fatty fish a week for 1 month raises "good" HDL cholesterol by 4%. So if you want to get your heart protected, go for something fishy.

One innocent-looking margarita or cosmopolitan can rack up hundreds of calories that do nothing to quench your appetite. Treat yourself just on the weekends and cut back somewhere else or stick to a glass of wine, light beer, or vodka and soda three drinks that each have about 100 calories per serving.

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