Friday, April 27, 2012

Save Your Health Naturally

Maternity Acupressure Guide

Sports will actually cause pumping endorphins, the natural morphine in the body, to circulate throughout the body. With exercise, you so have little time to eat. To reduce the desire to eat chocolate or sweet foods after a big meal, try a walk around the house for a moment.

Be sure to read the remainder of this article. You'll find them to be helpful whether you're interested in knowing more about general health or more specific topics like maternity acupressure guide. Think about it. Youthful, glowing body may be in your future after implementing just one of the tips listed here.

You've probably heard it before but you'll hear it again - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You've just spend a significant amount of time sleeping - the longest time between meals you ever go in a 24 hour period. Your body is in starvation mode and you need to eat to get things working properly again - and to avoid fat storage later on. Besides, you'll need that fuel to get your kids and spouse out the door before you start your day.

Keeping your body in shape is a sure way to increase your overall health, stay in shape, and consequentially reduce health risks associated to being overweight. An hour of daily exercise is recommended, but if your schedule doesn't allow it, try to fit in at least four hours per week.

Anything in excess is not good. It is a known fact that majority of British Asian men enjoy their drink and in a lot of cases, drink excessively; especially those from North Indian communities. Weekends and social nights out or in, do contribute to major bouts of drinking. For those British Asian men that drink, it is important to drink responsibly and moderately. Binge drinking and having to many drinks at a wedding or party are not heroic but simply risking your health to major problems. Numerous studies have shown that if you drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (all kinds), it protects not only against heart disease, but also lowers risk of death from all causes. Since beer impacts weight much more, the number of pints that you drink needs to be consumed with caution. While one to two drinks a day are protective, excess alcohol consumption is devastating to health.

One innocent-looking margarita or cosmopolitan can rack up hundreds of calories that do nothing to quench your appetite. Treat yourself just on the weekends and cut back somewhere else or stick to a glass of wine, light beer, or vodka and soda three drinks that each have about 100 calories per serving.

There are many benefits to music/sound therapy, the biggest is a sense of overall well-being. TRY THIS: Find some soft music that you enjoy, go into a quiet room and play it on a very low volume setting. If you are quiet and relaxed. you will be able to hear the music as if it were at full volume.

Health products that are available in the market are commonly labeled as "less fats" or "no cholesterol" and other sorts of encouragement. Guess what? These products are still bad for your health. Less fats doesn't mean that there is 100% no fat in your favorite products. Fats are just lessened but there are certainly have fatty contents.

Be wary of environmental pollutants. The detergents, sprays, paints, etc do have implications on our health but also the environment. Make a choice to use biodegradable products around the home and expose yourself less to unnecessary chemicals. The lesser you expose yourself to unwanted chemicals, the more you will be free from pollution.

Food in its natural state whole, live and uncooked provides your body with optimal nutrition. Vital elements such as enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals and bioelectric energy, are depleted depending on how you cook/prepare your food. Try not to eat anything man-made, instead eat what the earth provided. No preservatives, No MSG.

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