Saturday, March 31, 2012

Be Healthy and Enjoy a Better Quality of Life

Cellulean Cellulite Gel

Go for nuts and grapefruit. A recent study found that dieters who snacked on shelled pistachios shed more pounds than those who ate other snacks, even though they contained the same amount of calories. Also, recent study showed that eating one grapefruit daily helped 58 percent of subjects to lose weight.

Keep reading the rest of the tips below. Are you looking to learn more about beauty and health or are you trying to find out if researching something like cellulean cellulite gel is a futile pursuit? Whatever the case may be, the tips below should point you in the right direction. After reading this post, you just might be shocked by how much you learn. Youthful, glowing body may be in your future after implementing just one of the tips listed here.

Of all the healthy eating tips, this is the most important! Processed foods are chock full of unhealthy things such as hydrogenated oils, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and excessive amounts of sodium. By preparing fresh foods yourself you can control the amount of fat, sugar and sodium you take in.

How many times have we heard that life is too short? We get so caught up in the whirlwind that we forget to live in the present moment. And in those times we're not caught up in the whirlwind, we're worrying about the future. It's time to slow down and enjoy the now!

Have something to live for, something that helps you to feel alive, vital and a part of something bigger than yourself. This could be a career, volunteer work, your spirituality, your creativity, absolutely anything. You could be active in sports, games, in your family, whatever it takes for you to feel needed, special and valuable.

Eat Natural Foods. Only choose fresh organic foods rather than canned or boxed processed foods . Processed foods contain little nutrition and tend to irritate the digestive track and they also contain ingredients that are not good for your health. Natural and organic foods are better for you and taste better as well.

Before heading to the place for lunch or for some "window shopping" at the mall, consume a glass of warm green tea. The content of natural caffeine frees fatty acids, making it more easily to get burned. It's polifenol content will elevate the amount of calorie burn. So, before an activity or before walking, make sure you drink green tea first.

This may be a shocker, but Lyon said that the optimum recommendation for physical activity (including aerobic exercise and strength training) is 90 minutes a day. That might seem overwhelming for most. But the good news is that 20 minutes three times a week or ten thousand steps a day is enough to help you increase longevity.

Even if you enjoy your own company it's not healthy to be alone all of the time. We were not meant to be alone so be sure to stay in touch with old friends and meet new people that will hopefully become new friends. Again there are a number of ways to do this and sometimes you have to put yourself out of your comfort zone a bit. A great place to meet new people is at your local community/senior center. Joining classes or groups for activities, volunteering and other things that get you off the couch could put you in touch with a new friend.

You really have to see your doctor and dentist regularly. Most of those over the age of 50 have started experiencing some health problems but there are those who are stubborn and refuse to go to their physicians and dentist. You should visit and consult these professionals' help regularly and try to implement all the suggestions and precautions given. You need to admit as a senior, your body isn't as tolerant and enduring as you were in your teenage years.

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