Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Be Healthy In a Natural Way

According to a review of 15 studies, the less you drink, the lower your blood pressure will dropto a point. A study of women at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital, for example, found that light drinking (defined as one-quarter to one-half a drink per day for a woman) may actually reduce blood pressure more than no drinks per day. One "drink" is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of spirits.

Read this post until the end. You'll be glad you did. Whether you want to brush up on your general health knowledge or you want to determine if the subject of Herpeset is worth your time, you're sure to find the information here to be beneficial. You never know what might happen after reading this article. Healthy body may not be as hard to come by as you thought.

Overall fat intake needs to be lowered to enjoy any kind of healthier lifestyle. But more importantly, it's imperative to watch the types of fat you eat. Trans fats are the most harmful kind of fats in a diet the need to be eliminated. You need to watch you cholesterol and blood pressure levels and make sure they stay normal.

Try and introduce a regular exercise into your daily routine. There are simple ways to get exercise without really trying. You could try walking home from work if it's not too far, don't take the elevator all the time - try using the stairs. When your kids are outside playing, take a few minutes to go and play with them. Not only will you be getting fit but you'll be spending more time with your children. Everyone wins! Yoga is also a great way to stay toned and supple. This can be done in the home with a minimal investment in equipment. There is lots of free info. on the internet related to yoga. A simple cheap way to stay healthy.

This is the amazing natural sweetener. If you want to get off from aspartame and sugar, this is the best substitute. You can purchase this from Woolworths and love it. Its calorie content is extremely low, its natural, has no negative side effects and tastes pretty good too. It is also quite sweet so you don't need as much as normal sugar.

Your thyroid is the major regulator of your body. It controls everything from weight gain to energy levels to your skin and hair. If you are dragging and chronically fatigued, plus new wrinkles seem to be popping up every hour, you probably need to get your thyroid checked. Men should get their thyroid checked regularly -- especially once they hit their 30s and 40s.

A fresh-out-of-the-fridge water bottle may energize you forwarm-weather exercise, finds a British study. Exercisers who drank refrigerated water (39°F) worked out about 25% longer than those who consumed the same amount of warmer waterand they said their exercise sessions felt easier too. Whether you're indoors or out, sipping chilled water both before and during exercise may help keep your body temperature down and your energy up for maximum calorie burn.

Being well hydrated is an important component to good health. Research indicates that dehydration can be the cause of many seemingly unrelated health problems from high cholesterol to back pain!! Try to drink 8 glasses per day but if this is too much for you, drink as much as you can.

This is the hardest part! The only way you can bring good things into your life, including health, happiness, abundance and looks is by being a better friend to yourself and to learn self love and acceptance. You can always rely on your bestie to pick you up when you're feeling down, encourage you at the right times and also give you sound and practical advise when needed. Have you ever thought about doing all these things but for you? Imagine telling yourself how well you're doing and how proud you are... how much more could you achieve with a best friend at your side the whole time? It's a hard habit to break and it takes time and repetition but many of us have the inner negative voice, the constant critic. Many of us weren't raised with continuous positive appraisal so we have to consciously support ourselves, no matter what.

Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups - a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking.

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