Thursday, March 29, 2012

Working Against Wrinkles

Wrinkles are such a no-no these days. When you have them, all you want is to have them disappear, no matter the cost. You shouldn't worry about wrinkles so much when you don't have them yet.

Cosmetic surgeons are the only ones happy about this great fear of wrinkles. They'll inject you with something that could kill in high enough doses - just to smooth out a few lines on your face.

But it's only temporary. Monthly treatments are needed to maintain your youthful look, and they cost a lot. You'll find yourself paying more for your face than you do for your car.

You can actually keep yourself young-looking without having to spend so much. These might help you:

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Simple as it sounds, it's actually a big factor in keeping you looking young. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it desperately needs to be hydrated. Your whole body benefits from all the water you drink, too.

Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. The substances in them keep your skin tissues healthy.

Supplements like vitamins A, C, and E help too. Beautiful skin needs nourishment from inside.

Nuts and oils are good additions to your daily diet. Use high quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil in your salads and for cooking. You should eat walnuts, peanuts, and almonds. These kinds of food help nourish your skin.

Creams with only natural ingredients can help too. These are available in health food shops and natural pharmacies. They might be costly but they're of good quality. And the natural products aren't filled with artificial chemicals.

To manage wrinkles, you need to work on it on the outside as well as in. No amount of expensive designer creams will overcome what your body lacks to rebuild damaged cells.

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